New Water Shader Tool
Check out this new tool available in Rec Room Studio to make liquids in game look more realistic!
Take a gander at one of the tools we’ll be featuring in My Little Monsters - the water shader! Make gorgeous gleaming water in Rec Room Studio that’ll instantly improve the look of your room with just a few clicks. The best part is, this feature is launching in beta NOW!We have our step by step instructions and best practices documentation right here, so check it out if you want to make your own water wonderful too! This article covers:
  • Texture: add texture, animation, and color depth
  • Emission: control the glow of your liquid
  • Specular: alter the reflection and shininess
  • Normal Map: create wave patterns
  • Foam: add foam to your shoreline and rocks
  • Waves: control the look and feel of your waves
If you want to try this out yourself, get Rec Room Studio now!
Other My Little Monster Tools!
Other My Little Monster Tools!Take a look at the other new tools used to make My Little Monsters and learn how to use them in your very own rooms too!Read More!