Nintendo Switch™ Content Criteria
Not all created content will be available on Nintendo Switch™ at launch, learn more about the Rec Room content available on Switch at launch!
Created Content on Nintendo Switch™Not all created content will be available on Nintendo Switch™ at launch. However, we will be adding new content to Nintendo Switch™ weekly. To learn which content qualifies, keep reading! Created Content CriteriaAll created content in Rec Room should follow our Creator Code of Conduct guidelines. Created content must also meet the following criteria to be eligible to appear on Nintendo Switch™. Rated Teen / PEGI 12Created content must be suitable for these age categories.
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Sources: ESRB and PEGINo Unauthorized Use of Intellectual Property (IP)Created content must not contain unauthorized use of intellectual property (IP). IP can only be used if the rights holder has granted permission (e.g. permitting fan-made content). Our Creator Code of Conduct states:
  • ii. Owners are responsible for securing permission to use any content, thumbnails, or metadata for their content that is not their original work.
  • iii. Content must not infringe, misappropriate, or violate a third party's intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy.
More information on what intellectual property is can be found here.If your content contains anything that may not meet the criteria listed above, you can remove that specific content from your rooms to be eligible!For example, if your room name doesn’t follow these guidelines, you can rename your room to something that would be eligible. If your room references characters, music, or art that wouldn’t be allowed, exchange it for your own original creation. Requesting to Add Content on Nintendo Switch™We will be reviewing and adding new content to Switch weekly. At this time, we are not accepting requests to review specific content. Keep an eye out for updates, though!
Nintendo Switch™ FAQ
Nintendo Switch™ FAQLean more about what Rec Room on Nintendo Switch™ will be like in this FAQ!Click here to learn more!