Double Ink Limits
Read on to find out how we increased limits for Rooms 1.0.
August 2, 2024
Exciting news - we’re doubling the ink limits in Rooms 1.0. Yep, you heard that right, DOUBLING! Unleash your creativity; put those objects in that you were desperate to have; we’re so excited to see what y’all do with this.Wait a minute…it was only two months ago that we retired what was commonly known as Limits V2. So what gives?Back in May, we wrote about the work we’ve been doing to improve Rec Room’s memory usage. Our teams have been plugging away at clawing back memory from the core Rec Room app. This was slow and detailed work that was designed to free up memory so that rooms would see clear and obvious performance gains and reduce crash rates. And it worked! We focused on iOS and saw the crash rate lower by 82% over the last year. Just look at that line trending down!OOM.pngA benefit of tackling memory the way we did - by grinding out hard technical changes on the app -  is that we actually freed up memory across all platforms, not just iOS! That means every time we reduce memory, we also reduce those crazy high crash rates in the heavier ink rooms. We know creators want to make more complex rooms and bigger rooms make for more interesting play experiences. Our old ink limit kept us all in the safe zone where rooms would load and players had good experiences. With all the memory savings, we can now double those ink limits. More ink = more stuff = even more room potential. The chart below shows how we've reduced crash rates in ink-heavy rooms this year.image (13).pngWhile we’re excited to bring more ink to Rooms 1.0, our primary focus is on improving Rooms 2.0. The architecture in Rooms 2.0 means no ink limits, personalized in-room economies, compound objects, and hierarchical building unlocking game experiences not currently possible. We will be adding even more functionality and features into Rooms 2.0 so keep your eyes peeled for more updates on the Creator Hub and check out our Rooms 2.0 tutorials.In the meantime, if we can make creation even better right now, we will. So, enjoy expanded ink limits immediately in Rooms 1.0. Have at it!