Guide For Moderating Your Room
This page contains guidelines from the Creator Code of Conduct and a few tips to help room owners moderate their rooms.
Rec Room is a safe and welcoming place for everyone so it’s important to make sure that your room maintains those standards. This page contains guidelines from the Creator Code of Conduct and a few tips to help room owners moderate their rooms.GUIDELINES -
  1. Rooms are treated as an extension of the player(s) who create and own them
    • Creators and owners are responsible for the content and conduct in their rooms. Publishing a public room with lots of Code of Conduct violations will be moderated in the same way as if the owners had created those violations or engaged in that behavior in a public space. Violations can also lead to a player losing the ability to create and publish their own content. 
  2. Room ownership is an active responsibility
    • As the creator of a room, it is important to ensure that it remains a positive and respectful environment. If you’re going to be unavailable for a period of time e.g. you’re going on vacation, consider making the room private for the duration of your absence or finding a trusted co-owner who can keep your room a safe and welcoming space. Having a moderation team (Moderators or hosts) of your own can be extremely helpful when taking care of a popular room! Be sure to select trusted players for these positions as well!  
  3. “Save room” privileges and what it entails
    • It's worth noting that co-owners with "save room" privileges hold a shared responsibility for the room's upkeep. If you're no longer able to contribute in this way, it may be a good idea to remove yourself as an owner.
  1. Think safety by design: placement of your game mechanics can increase or decrease bad behavior. For example, having a gun that launches players in the sky, within reach of players could cause moderation issues. Voice rolloff being set very high could potentially cause moderation issues from mic spam. Think about what a comfortable level would be for players in your room. Be mindful of who is able to fly, how fast locomotion happens in your room, and if player names are visible during the experience. All of these can cause difficultly in moderating your room. 
  2. Know your audience: Use the permission tools to decide who can access your room(s). You can allow or disallow Juniors or new players. Think about the kind of content and conduct you have in your room and whether it is appropriate for junior players (players under the age of 13) who are coming into Rec Room for the first time. Remember that we want everyone in Rec Room to have a safe and fun experience and for everyone to be excellent to each other.  
  3. Be transparent: Use the Warning feature to make sure you warn players about the content of your room (you can find this in the “Main Settings” of your room by clicking on: This room -> Settings -> Main Settings -> scroll down to the warning section).
    • Here are the options for room warnings -
      • Spooky/scary themes
      • Mature themes
      • Bright/flashing lights
      • Intense motion
      • Gore/violence
      • Custom (you can make a custom warning)
  4. No man is an island
    • moderation on your own might be impossible. Add trusted moderators and hosts to help out with the room moderation. It’s up to you what permissions you give to moderators and hosts (See annex at the end of the document). Encourage them to use the tools at their disposal - more on this below.  
  5. We have tools to help! Access the tools from your watch and then -> “this room” -> “main Settings, Instances, Permissions and/or Moderation” tab.

    • Under “Instances”, the instance browser can be used to mark instances private and see how many public instances are open at any one time.  
    • Room moderators, co-owners and owners can amend social permissions which can help address unwelcome behavior or language e.g. removing a player’s permission to use their mic. You can also disable the permission for visitors to invite others.  
    • The room ban button or vote kick system can be used to remove bad players. Click on the player and go to the report section.  
    • View room banned players, import room bans from other rooms or import your blocked list.  
    • For players comfortable with circuits, the use of CV1 and CV2 can help with moderation as well. For players less comfortable with circuits, there are public inventions in the invention store that support healthy positive rooms. 
    • Suggested keywords to help you find useful tools:
      • Admin - this will let you find admin tools/circuits 
      • Moderation - more moderation tools
      • Teleport/ teleport gun - to teleport a player somewhere else in a room for moderation purposes
      • Mute gun - let’s you mute or unmute players when needed
  6. Trust your co-owners
    • room creators and co-owners are entitled to any rooms or subrooms that they copy. This is outlined in our Creator Code of Conduct. Co-owners can copy rooms, make inventions, save / restore rooms, move subrooms to other rooms, etc. We recommend thinking carefully about who you’re adding as a co-owner and what the potential consequences are.To protect ownership of assets in a project, it may be a good idea for creators to save their creations as inventions before bringing them into a project room.  Permissions can be set on an invention that would disallow another player to save it as an invention.
REC ROOM’S MODERATION TOOLS -Rec Room is passionate about keeping our players safe and we have invested in tools to help us and RR creators protect our community. This includes:
  • Automated image scanning to prevent unwanted content in game such as inappropriate shirts.
  • Text filtering and automated voice moderation to limit abusive or discriminatory language in public areas and keep Rec Room a healthy and welcoming place.
  • Hundreds of volunteer and paid moderators to issue, review and action reports of unwelcome conduct or content.
  • Junior accounts for players age 12 or younger with extra account protections.
ROOM PERMISSIONSMakerpen permissions
  • Use the makerpen
  • Make invention/ spawn invention
  • Edit permissions
  • Use delete all button
Social permissions
  • Votekick/ instant votekick
  • Invite people
  • Can / cannot talk
  • Disable mic auto mute
Misc permissions
  • Use share camera / print pictures
  • Spawn consumables
  • Can revive self
  • Start game
  • Change game modes