Pricing Recommendations
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Are you unsure how much you should price your content for? Well, here is a list of our pricing recommendations for purchasable UGC—as well as definitions for different types of each purchasable. Each of these lists comes from an analysis of the best-selling UGC and is based on weighted average prices.

ROOM KEYSThese types come from an analysis of the top-selling Rooms from each category. Some purchasables may be more than one type, but this list comes from identifying the primary purpose of a purchasable. The goal for sharing this information is to expand your repertoire of purchasables, provide more value to your users, and so you are more confident with pricing by having a bit more insight into the market.
  1. Costume
    • Costume or Full-body Costume
    • Sometime sold in a bundle with weapon(s)
  2. Customization
    • Re-skinning rooms or models
    • Altering the experience without a gameplay advantage
  3. Donation
  4. Misc.
    • Anything that doesn't fit in the other types
  5. Power-up
    • Gives an advantage over NPCs or players
    • Is most often a role modifier
  6. Prop
    • Provides no function other than holding
  7. Role Modifier
    • Like Power-ups but without the gameplay advantage
    • Most often Fly
  8. Toy
    • A prop in the Toys category (in the Maker Pen palette)
    • Most often Confetti Gun
  9. Weapon
    • An object used against NPCs or Players
  1. Costume
    • 1000 tokens
  2. Customization
    • 250 tokens
  3. Donation
    • 2500 tokens
  4. Misc
    • 500 tokens
  5. Power-up
    • 2250 tokens
  6. Prop
    • 250 tokens
  7. Role Modifier
    • 500 tokens
  8. Toy
    • 500 tokens
  9. Weapon
    • 500 tokens

ROOM CURRENCIESWe recommend knowing the token-to-currency ratio for your room when determining Room Currency prices for Keys and Consumables. You should also factor in how much free currency you're awarding each day (check your Daily Limit). For pricing Keys and Consumables with Room Currency, aim for the recommended token prices—converted to your Room Currency.
PRICING RECOMMENDATIONSRoom Currency PackagesWeighted Avg Price - 2250 tokensRecommended Prices:500 tokens2,000 tokens5,000 tokens10,000 tokens

ROOM CONSUMABLESThese types come from an analysis of the top-selling Rooms from each category. Some purchasables may be more than one type, but this list comes from identifying the primary purpose of a purchasable. The goal for sharing this information is to expand your repertoire of purchasables, provide more value to your users, and so you are more confident with pricing by having a bit more insight into the market.
  1. Bundle
    • Contains more than one thing, such as a Power-up and Currency
  2. Costume
    • Costume of Full-body Costume
  3. Currency
    • An alternative to purchasing Currency packages
  4. Customization
    • Re-skinning rooms or models
  5. Donation
  6. Entertainment
    • Usually an animation or something interactive
  7. Misc
    • Anything that doesn’t fit into other types
  8. Power-up
    • Gives an advantage over NPCs or Players
    • Is most often a role modifier
  9. Role Modifier
    • Like Power-ups but without the gameplay advantage
    • Most often Fly
  10. Weapon
    • An object that’s used against NPCs or Players
  1. Bundle
    • 500 tokens
  2. Costume
    • 250 tokens
  3. Currency
    • 1000 tokens
  4. Customization
    • 250 tokens
  5. Donation
    • 3000 tokens
  6. Entertainment
    • 2500 tokens
  7. Misc
    • 2500 tokens
  8. Power-up
    • 250 tokens
  9. Role Modifier
    • 2500 tokens
  10. Weapon
    • 500 tokens