Holiday Market Sign Ups
Contribute to the holiday cheer and sell your creations in shops, host workshops for others to learn or display your fun filled winter rooms at this year's Holiday Market!
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Rec Holiday Market EventRec Holiday Market is returning in December 2023! Rec Holiday Market is an exciting event we know you'll enjoy and would love to be a part of! It's a fun event that we are putting on for our community to come together, visit festive shops, enjoy creative workshops, and play games during the holiday season! It's a great opportunity for you to get you and your work featured!This event will take place in the room ^RecHolidayMarket and will contain these festivities from Dec 7th through Jan 18th:
  • Holiday Invention Shops
  • Holiday Workshops
  • Fun Creative Games and Rooms!
Want to be a part of this event? See below! Deadline for submissions is December 1st.
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Rec Holiday Market ShopsWhat's the holiday season without buying Inventions and Custom Shirts. Well there's no place like ^RecHolidayMarket for the holidays! And now you can sell your cool creations too.We are looking for some festive shops with a winter, holiday, or cozy feel! We will be switching out which creator shops are featured bi-weekly from Dec 7th to Jan 18th!What you will need:
  • You will need to create or already own a room with your shop.
  • Your shop needs to have the theme of winter, holidays, or just a cozy feel.
  • You can share shops with other creators/clubs.
  • Your shop and content needs to follow the COC and CCOC. We can disqualify and remove shops at any time during the event.
  • We will need a "Neon" sign for your shop to go above your door in the Rec Holiday Market.
  • You should be able to see your sign from either side of the sign.
  • Your shop sign needs to use 2.5-3% ink.
  • Download the shop sign template: "Festive Sign"
  • While your store is being featured in the event, there needs to be a door that heads back to the ^RecHolidayMarket room.
Things to note:
  • If you already have a store, go ahead and reskin or add a winter/holiday theme to your store.
  • Your Store must have a door that links back to ^RecHolidayMarket during the week it is being featured in the Event.
  • You can charge for your inventions or have free inventions, it is up to you! If you are charging for your inventions, we recommend these prices ranges:
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Rec Holiday Market WorkshopsWant to pitch into the giving season and share how you've made some of your winter creations?We are looking to feature winter, holiday, or cozy feel workshops to feature! This is a great time for Rec Room players to jump into events, make friends, and learn something fun while enjoying the holiday festivities.What you will need:
  • Your workshop should have a winter, holiday, or cozy feel and create something related to this theme.
  • While your workshop is being featured in the event, there needs to be a door that heads back to the ^RecHolidayMarket room.
Things to note:
  • Please click all time frames you are willing to host your workshop on the signup form.
  • Previous experience as a teacher or workshop host is preferred. 
  • The link to submit your workshop is on this page (This will be a google form).
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Rec Holiday Market Creator RoomsWhat's winter without some festive games and cheer?We are looking for 9 creative rooms with the theme of winter, holiday, or cozy feel that have fun games! This is a great time for Rec Room players to enjoy a break from the rest of the festivities and jump into some creator games with friends.What you will need:
  • Your room should have a winter, holiday, or cozy ambience.
  • Your room must be a quality creative room. And it’s a plus if your room has won a creative contest!
  • While your room is being featured in the event there needs to be a door that heads back to the ^RecHolidayMarket room
Things to note:
  • Rooms with games are preferred but you can still submit your room if it does not have a game.
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Questions? Please send us an email at